A Platform for Sharing Published Knowledge
in Pediatric Pulmonary Vascular Disease
Hope for the Fruits of Inquiry
This website provides an archive of abstracts from recently published articles concerning the following pulmonary vascular diseases:
- Pulmonary Hypertension
Click here for more information about pulmonary hypertension. - Segmental Pulmonary Arterial Disease
Articles with a focus on primary stenosis, hypoplasia or atresia of the branch pulmonary arteries are found under this category. Articles related to secondary or iatrogenic narrowing of the branch pulmonary arteries, like postoperative stenosis, are not included. - Segmental Pulmonary Venous Disease without a Focus on Pulmonary Hypertension
This category lists publications related to stenosis, hypoplasia or atresia of the pulmonary veins without a focus on pulmonary hypertension. Articles that include substantial content concerning pulmonary hypertension can be found under a separate category, Class 2. Pulmonary Hypertension Associated with Pulmonary Vein Stenosis. This website primarily lists articles about intraluminal pulmonary venous disease, not other forms of obstruction. - Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations
- Abnormal Systemic Arterial to Pulmonary Arterial Connections
At this time, articles with a focus on collateral vessels in the setting of pulmonary atresia with a ventricular septal defect are not included. - Pulmonary Lymphatic Disorders
This site has a focus on primary lymphatic disorders in children. Though, many articles related to secondary or iatrogenic causes of pulmonary lymphatic dysfunction have also been included.
PHresh Knowledge has been developed to provide a platform to share understanding and experience. Most categories of pulmonary vascular disease include abstracts from articles published since 2020. We hope this growing collection of published articles will increase awareness of efforts to improve the care of individuals with pulmonary vascular disease. Fresh (PHresh) knowledge will be highlighted for one to two years and subsequently archived, or filed (PHiled).
Please browse the content of this site. If you are aware of any publications that have been overlooked, please click above, or here, to share noteworthy articles, and thereby improve the scope of the site.
Additional Resources
Pulmonary Hypertension Association
Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension Network
Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute
Pulmonary Hypertension Knowledge Sharing Platform
Alliance for Pulmonary Hypertension
Pulmonary Vein Stenosis Network
Pulmonary Vein Stenosis Archive
A comprehensive collection of nearly all publications concerning intraluminal stenosis, hypoplasia or atresia of the pulmonary veins.
Instructions for Searching the Content of this Website
Simply click on the category in the side bar on this page.
Search Buttons
Both search buttons in the header of this page can be used to search a single keyword or name.
Search a Single Year of Publication
Enter the year followed by a semicolon (eg. 2020;) in either search button.
Search More than One Year of Publication
Use the Search: “or” Function button to identify articles from more than one year. By entering each year followed by a semicolon (eg. 2021; 2022; 2023;), all of the publications during those years will be displayed. If the Search: “and” Function button is used, there will likely be no results.
Search: “and” Function
Select this search function in the header to identify only the posts that contain all keywords, names and years that are entered. If an author’s name and a year are entered (eg. Rosenzweig 2021;), only the publications by the author during that year will be displayed.
Search: “or” Function
Select this search function in the header to identify the posts that contain any of the keywords, names and years that are entered. As mentioned above, this search function can be used to identify articles from more than one year. If an author’s name and a year is entered (eg. Ivy 2021;), publications by the author from all years, and all of the publications by other authors during the entered year(s) will be displayed.