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Angiographic tool to detect pulmonary arteriovenous malformations in single ventricle physiology

Stephen B. Spurgin, Yousef M. Arar, Thomas M. Zellers, Jijia Wang, Nicolas L. Madsen, Surendranath R. Veeram Reddy, Ondine Cleaver, Abhay A. DivekarUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Children’s Medical Center.United States Cardiology in the YoungCardiol Young 2024; DOI: 10.1017/S1047951124000933 AbstractObjective: Individuals with single ventricle physiology who are palliated with superior cavopulmonary anastomosis (Glenn surgery) may […]

Angiographic tool to detect pulmonary arteriovenous malformations in single ventricle physiology Read More »

Sudden pediatric death unveiling pulmonary arteriovenous malformations

Hadeel Abu-El-Rub, Rashed Shatnawi, Yahia I. Abu Zetun, Doaa Ghorab, Ali M. ShotarYarmouk University. Mansoura University. Jordan University of Science and Technology School of Medicine.Jordan Autopsy Case ReportsAutops Case Rep 2024; DOI: 10.4322/acr.2024.489 AbstractPulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs) are abnormal vascular connections between pulmonary arteries and veins, often associated with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). Most PAVMs are

Sudden pediatric death unveiling pulmonary arteriovenous malformations Read More »

Pneumonectomy combined with SU5416 or monocrotaline pyrrole does not cause severe pulmonary hypertension in mice

Xiao-Qing Sun, Timothy Klouda, Suzanne Barnasconi, Ingrid Schalij, Janne Schwab, Anders Hammer Nielsen-Kudsk, Julie Sørensen Axelsen, Asger Andersen, Jurjan Aman, Frances S. de Man, Harm Jan Bogaard, Ke Yuan, Keimei YoshidaAmsterdam UMC. Boston Children’s Hospital. Aarhus University Hospital.Netherlands, United States and Denmark American Journal of Physiology Lung Cellular and Molecular PhysiologyAm J Physiol Lung Cell

Pneumonectomy combined with SU5416 or monocrotaline pyrrole does not cause severe pulmonary hypertension in mice Read More »

Neonatal pleural effusion associated with pulmonary sequestration: A case report

Sajal Twanabasu, Shiva Prasad Sharma ChalisePatan Academy of Health Sciences. Nepal Clinical Case ReportsClin Case Rep 2024; 12:DOI: 10.1002/ccr3.8956 AbstractPleural effusion is rare during neonatal period with an estimated prevalence of 0.06%. It may sometimes uncommonly be secondary to pulmonary sequestration. Besides common conditions like hydrops fetalis, congenital heart disease, congenital chylothorax, chromosomal abnormalities; pulmonary sequestration

Neonatal pleural effusion associated with pulmonary sequestration: A case report Read More »

Case report of generalized lymphatic dysplasia with PIEZO1 mutation and review of the literature

Wedad Alhazmia, Afnan Qurbana, Essa AlrashidiMaternity and Children Hospital in Makkah. King Saud Medical City in Riyadh.Saudi Arabia Respiratory Medicine Case ReportsRespir Med Case Rep 2023; 44:DOI: 10.1016/j.rmcr.2023.101872 AbstractBackground: The newborn malformation of primary lymphatic dysplasia (PLD), developed primarily due to PIEZO1 gene autosomal recessive mutation, is known to hinder with the lymphatic system action, causing chyle or lymph

Case report of generalized lymphatic dysplasia with PIEZO1 mutation and review of the literature Read More »

Successful thoracic duct embolisation in a child with recurrent massive pericardial effusion diagnosed as a lymphatic anomaly

Jue Seong Lee, Mi Kyoung Song, Saebeom HurKorea University College of Medicine and Korea University Medical Center. Seoul National University Children’s Hospital and Seoul National University Hospital.Republic of Korea Cardiology in the YoungCardiol Young 2020; 30: 571-573DOI: 10.1017/S1047951120000323 AbstractA 29-month-old girl had idiopathic massive pericardial effusion for over 6 months. Lymphangiography was performed for chronic and

Successful thoracic duct embolisation in a child with recurrent massive pericardial effusion diagnosed as a lymphatic anomaly Read More »

A familial case of alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of the pulmonary veins: the clinicopathological features and unusual glomeruloid endothelial proliferation

Akiko Kitano, Masato Nakaguro, Seiichi Tomotaki, Shintaro Hanaoka, Masahiko Kawai, Akiko Saito, Masahiro Hayakawa, Yoshiyuki Takahashi, Hidenori Kawasaki, Takahiro Yamada, Masahiko Ikeda, Tetsuo Onda, Kazutoshi Cho, Hironori Haga, Atsuko Nakazawa, Sachiko MinamiguchiKyoto University and Kyoto University Hospital. Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine and Nagoya University Hospital. Hokkaido University Hospital. Saitama Children’s Medical Center.Japan Diagnostic

A familial case of alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of the pulmonary veins: the clinicopathological features and unusual glomeruloid endothelial proliferation Read More »

A homozygous variant in growth and differentiation factor 2 (GDF2) may cause lymphatic dysplasia with hydrothorax and nonimmune hydrops fetalis

Sietse M. Aukema, Gerdien A. ten Brinke, Wim Timens, Yvonne J. Vos, Ryan E. Accord, Karianne E. Kraft, Michiel J. Santing, Leonard P. Morssink, Esther Streefland, Cleo C. van Diemen, Elianne JLE Vrijlandt, Christian V. Hulzebos, Wilhelmina S. Kerstjens-FrederikseUniversity of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen and Beatrix Children’s Hospital. Medical Center Leeuwarden. Netherlands American Journal

A homozygous variant in growth and differentiation factor 2 (GDF2) may cause lymphatic dysplasia with hydrothorax and nonimmune hydrops fetalis Read More »

Vasoactive Management of Pulmonary Hypertension and Ventricular Dysfunction in Neonates Following Complicated Monochorionic Twin Pregnancies: A Single-Center Experience

Lukas Schroeder, Leon Soltesz, Judith Leyens, Brigitte Strizek, Christoph Berg, Andreas Mueller, Florian KipfmuellerUniversity Children’s Hospital Bonn and University Hospital Bonn. University of Cologne.Germany ChildrenChildren 2024; 11:DOI: 10.3390/children11050548 AbstractObjectives: Twins resulting from a complicated monochorionic (MC) twin pregnancy are at risk for postnatal evolution of pulmonary hypertension (PH) and cardiac dysfunction (CD). Both pathologies are important contributors

Vasoactive Management of Pulmonary Hypertension and Ventricular Dysfunction in Neonates Following Complicated Monochorionic Twin Pregnancies: A Single-Center Experience Read More »

Study on the comparison between Bosentan and Macitentan in the treatment of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborns, simultaneously on sildenafil: A randomized double-blinded non-inferiority parallel clinical trial

Mandana Kashaki, Arash Mohazzab, Mohammad Radgoudarzi, Arash Bordbar, Sama DabbaghIran University of Medical Sciences. Shahid Akbar Abadi Hospital. Iran Pediatrics and NeonatologyPediatr Neonatol 2024; DOI: 10.1016/j.pedneo.2023.12.007 AbstractBackground: Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) is characterized by sustained elevated Pulmonary Artery Pressure (PAP). Drug resistance and the adverse effects of current therapeutic agents warrant investigation of other

Study on the comparison between Bosentan and Macitentan in the treatment of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborns, simultaneously on sildenafil: A randomized double-blinded non-inferiority parallel clinical trial Read More »

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