Lymphoscintigraphy Findings are Associated with Outcome in Children with Chylothorax After Cardiac Surgery

Sayo Suzuki, Yoshihiko Kodama, Ayako Kuraoka, Takuya Hara, Yuichi Ishikawa, Toshihide Nakano, Koichi Sagawa
Fukuoka Children’s Hospital. University of Miyazaki.

Pediatric Cardiology
Pediatr Cardiol 2024; 45: 150-155
DOI: 10.1007/s00246-023-03303-w

Postoperative chylothorax in patients with congenital heart diseases (CHD) results in poor outcomes if anatomical and functional abnormalities of the lymphatic system are present. While these abnormalities are typically diagnosed by intranodal lymphangiography and dynamic contrast magnetic resonance lymphangiography, the usefulness of lymphoscintigraphy in these patients has not been evaluated. Between January 2019 and December 2021, 28 lymphoscintigraphies were performed in our institution for investigating prolonged pleural effusion after cardiac surgery. The images were assessed by three board-certified pediatric cardiologists retrospectively to determine the likelihood of a central lymphatic flow disorder. The likelihood was scored (range 1-3) based on structural abnormalities and congestive flow in the lymphatic system. Those scores were summed and the likelihood was categorized as low to intermediate (< 8 points) or high (8 or 9 points). Median age at lymphoscintigraphy was 129 days (IQR, 41-412 days), it was performed at a median of 22 days (IQR, 17-43) after surgery, and median score was 6 points (IQR, 4-7.5). Kendall’s coefficient of concordance (0.867; p < 0.05) indicated high inter-rater reliability. Overall survival at 6 months after surgery was 92.5% in the low-to-intermediate group but 68.6% in the high group (p < 0.05), and duration of postoperative thoracic drainage was 27 and 58 days, respectively (p < 0.05). Lymphatic abnormalities detected by lymphoscintigraphy were associated with poorer outcomes. Lymphoscintigraphy was thought to be useful in assessing anatomic and functional lymphatic abnormalities, despite its minimal invasiveness.

Pulmonary Lymphatic Disease
Diagnostic Testing for Pulmonary Vascular Disease. Non-invasive Testing

Age Focus: Pediatric Pulmonary Vascular Disease

Fresh or Filed Publication: Fresh (PHresh). Less than 1-2 years since publication

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