Impact of Right Ventricular Pressure Overload on Myocardial Stiffness Assessed by Natural Wave Imaging

Maelys Venet, Aimen Malik, Samantha Gold, Naiyuan Zhang, Josh Gopaul, John Dauz, Kana Yazaki, Matteo Ponzoni, John C. Coles, Jason T. Maynes, Mai Sun, Alison Howell, Rajiv Chaturvedi, Luc Mertens, Dariusz, Mroczek, Kiyoshi Uike, Jerome Baranger, Mark K. Friedberg, Olivier Villemain
Hospital for Sick Children. Bordeaux University Hospital.
Canada and France

Journal of the American College of Cardiology Cardiovascular Imaging
JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2024;
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2024.06.020

Background: Right ventricular (RV) hemodynamic performance determines the prognosis of patients with RV pressure overload. Using ultrafast ultrasound, natural wave velocity (NWV) induced by cardiac valve closure was proposed as a new surrogate to quantify myocardial stiffness.
Objectives: This study aimed to assess RV NWV in rodent models and children with RV pressure overload vs control subjects and to correlate NWV with RV hemodynamic parameters.
Methods: Six-week-old rats were randomized to pulmonary artery banding (n = 6), Sugen hypoxia-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension (n = 7), or sham (n = 6) groups. They underwent natural wave imaging, echocardiography, and hemodynamic assessment at baseline and 6 weeks postoperatively. The authors analyzed NWV after tricuspid and after pulmonary valve closure (TVC and PVC, respectively). Conductance catheters were used to generate pressure-volume loops. In parallel, the authors prospectively recruited 14 children (7 RV pressure overload; 7 age-matched control subjects) and compared RV NWV with echocardiographic and invasive hemodynamic parameters.
Results: NWV significantly increased in RV pressure overload rat models (4.99 ± 0.27 m/s after TVC and 5.03 ± 0.32 m/s after PVC in pulmonary artery banding at 6 weeks; 4.89 ± 0.26 m/s after TVC and 4.84 ± 0.30 m/s after PVC in Sugen hypoxia at 6 weeks) compared with control subjects (2.83 ± 0.15 m/s after TVC and 2.72 ± 0.34 m/s after PVC). NWV after TVC correlated with both systolic and diastolic parameters including RV dP/dtmax (r = 0.75; P < 0.005) and RV Ees (r = 0.81; P < 0.005). NWV after PVC correlated with both diastolic and systolic parameters and notably with RV end-diastolic pressure (r = 0.65; P < 0.01). In children, NWV after both right valves closure in RV pressure overload were higher than in healthy volunteers (P < 0.01). NWV after PVC correlated with RV E/E’ (r = 0.81; P = 0.008) and with RV chamber stiffness (r = 0.97; P = 0.03).
Conclusions: Both RV early-systolic and early-diastolic myocardial stiffness show significant increase in response to pressure overload. Based on physiology and our observations, early-systolic myocardial stiffness may reflect contractility, whereas early-diastolic myocardial stiffness might be indicative of diastolic function.

Right Heart Dysfunction Associated with Pulmonary Vascular Disease
Diagnostic Testing for Pulmonary Vascular Disease. Non-invasive Testing
Diagnostic Testing for Pulmonary Vascular Disease. Invasive Testing
Animal Models of Pulmonary Vascular Disease and Therapy

Age Focus: Pediatric Pulmonary Vascular Disease

Fresh or Filed Publication: Fresh (PHresh). Less than 1-2 years since publication

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