Hybrid treat-and-repair strategy for large patent ductus arteriosus: a proof-of-concept case report

Naoki Tsuboya, Yoshihide Mitani, Hiroyuki Ohashi, Hirofumi Sawada, Masahiro Hirayama
Mie University Graduate School of Medicine.

European Heart Journal Case Reports
Eur Heart J Case Rep 2024;
DOI: 10.1093/ehjcr/ytae354

Background: In cases of atrial septal defect with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a treat-and-repair strategy that adopts pulmonary vasodilator therapy and subsequent defect closure is postulated to be effective. However, this strategy has not been applied to the large patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) with PAH.
Case summary: A 10-year-old girl with trisomy 21 was referred to our hospital for the treatment of a large PDA with PAH. Cardiac catheterization and angiography revealed a type C tubular PDA with a minimal diameter of 8.1 mm, an increase in mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) of 60 mmHg, a ratio of pulmonary to systemic blood flow (Qp/Qs) of 2.7, and pulmonary artery resistance (Rp) of 7.1 U/m2. Because she was categorized in the grey zone for operability, we adopted a hybrid treat-and-repair strategy in which palliative surgical duct banding was performed before pulmonary vasodilator therapy to prevent excessive pulmonary blood flow and was followed by transcatheter closure of the PDA. Postoperatively, we confirmed the flow-restricted duct with a minimal diameter of 3.3 mm, decreased Qp/Qs 1.38, high mPAP 40 mmHg, and Rp 7.3 U/m2. Six months after treatment with macitentan and tadalafil, we confirmed a decrease in Rp 4.1 U/m2 as well as low Qp/Qs 1.12, which was low enough for the duct occlusion. The transcatheter occlusion of the surgically created type A conical duct was easily and safely performed. In the mid-term follow-up, favourable haemodynamics and improved exercise were confirmed.
Discussion: This is the first proof-of-concept case report to show the successful hybrid treat-and-repair strategy for large PDA, which warrants further investigation.

Class I. Pulmonary Hypertension Associated with Congenital Cardiovascular Disease
Genetic Factors Associated with Pulmonary Vascular Disease
Surgical and Catheter-mediated Interventions for Pulmonary Vascular Disease
Medical Therapy. Efficacy or Lack of Efficacy

Age Focus: Pediatric Pulmonary Vascular Disease

Fresh or Filed Publication: Fresh (PHresh). Less than 1-2 years since publication

Article Access
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